New hope after marriage breakdown
Broken Rites is an interdenominational group offering mutual support and information to divorced and separated spouses and partners of clergy and recognised ministers.

When a clergy marriage falls apart, we are…

Here for you: Broken Rites can help you by giving support and understanding on a one-to-one basis when needed. We also hold local group meetings where possible, provide information and signpost sources of help which may be practical, financial or spiritual.
There for others: Broken Rites is a campaigning organisation. We act as a pressure group within the various churches by raising awareness of the particular difficulties and issues which may occur following a clergy marriage breakdown including such issues as pension sharing and housing.
Broken Rites members have all experienced clergy marriage breakdown and understand the emotional impact when someone loses not just a spouse or partner but their home, their way of life, sense of purpose, place in the community and sometimes their faith or job. We understand the embarrassment that comes with the public nature of the separation and the effect that all this has on children and the wider family.
Find out more about our history here and read a summary of 2024 research published by the University of Chester here

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