for when you find yourself in need
Many charities provide specific support for different groups of people – some specifically for Anglicans where stated, others open to everyone.
Some we have found helpful include:
Grants and more:
Church of Scotland Housing and Loan Fund – offers loans to support separated or divorced spouses and separated civil partners of ministers of the Church of Scotland.
Clergy Support Trust (formerly Sons & Friends of the Clergy) – helps Anglican clergy and their families in times of need. The trust may be able to provide specified grants to separated and divorced clergy spouses or partners.
The Foundation of Edward Storey – provides help, grants, accommodation, and offer a number of services to those professionally connected to the Church of England in England or Ireland.
St Andrew’s Society for Ladies in Need – give regular and special one-off grants to retired ladies or those unable to earn through illness or disability who have had a good education, live alone and are in need of some assistance.
Smallwood Trust – mission is to enable women to become financially resilient by equipping them with the skills they need to secure a confident financial future .
Turn2Us – a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially. Includes an in-depth grants search tool.
The Almshouse Association – a support charity representing over 1600 independent almshouse charities across the UK.
Bromley & Sheppard’s Colleges – provides some housing for clergy widows, divorced and separated spouses in converted flats in Bromley, Kent.
ButtleUK – may help with school fees and expenses for under 16s in crisis situations; applications through support workers.
The Rustat Trust makes hardship grants for the maintenance of school-age children of clergy ordained according to the rites of the Church of England. There are no restrictions on the clergy who may apply including: stipendiary or self-supporting clergy, clergy in parish or non-parochial roles and the families of deceased clergy. Grants are not made towards the payment of school fees except in special circumstances. Applications from parents of children with disabilities or learning difficulties, single parents, clergy ministering in areas of deprivation or in other circumstances of hardship are particularly welcome. Applications for grants are usually invited during Autumn. For more information contact
Mental and physical health:
- St Luke’s for clergy wellbeing – seeks to improve clergywellbeing and mental health. Contact to discuss eligibility.
- Mind – provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
Help us improve this page
Please let us know which of these you found useful, and do suggest what else we should include. We’d love to hear details of any other support you have found helpful.